春季启动与AngularJS html5Mode



I start my web application with spring boot. It use a simple main class to start an embedded tomcat server:

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);


我要配置的服务器,他可以处理angularjs html5mode将与被激活的方式

I want to configure the server in the way that he can handle angularjs html5mode that will be activated with


从其他用户的相关帖子表明,你需要重定向到根。 HTML5的方式从URL中移除hashbag。如果刷新网页服务器犯规找到页面,因为他不处理的哈希值。请参见:AngularJS - 为什么要改变URL地址时,$ routeProvider似乎并没有工作,我得到一个404错误


I found a solution I can live with it.

public class ViewController {

    public String index() {
        return "index";

    public String app() {
        return "index";


The angularjs app has to be under the subdomain app. If you do not want that you could create a subdomain like app.subdomain.com that mapps to your subdomain app. With this construct you have no conflicts with webjars, statis content and so on.