


It might be a basic question but everytime a user call a php file from a server, does it create a new process from that server ?

例如,我有一个基本形式(假设在index.php上),它将文本提交到另一个php文件. 在该php文件中,我打印 posix_getpid().

For example, I have a basic form (let's say on index.php) that submits a text to another php file. In that php file, I print the posix_getpid().

我在index.php的两个选项卡中打开并填写了文本,最后我得到了 每个标签上有两个不同的pid.

I opened in two tabs my index.php an filled in and submitted a text and I ended up with two different pid on each tab.

这使我得出一个结论,即服务器可能为每个脚本创建一个新进程. 我说的对吗?

Which lead me to the conclusion that a server probably create a new process for each script. Am I right ?



I assume that you're running apache as your web server.


When a request comes in, apache starts a new thread. PHP is then invoked on this new thread, hence why you get a new process id every time.



I recommend reading this article for a deeper understanding.


It seems that the process differs between platforms. It works the way I described above on Windows, but multiple apache processes are executed on Unix.