命令 vue init 需要一个全局插件


当我尝试 vue init webpack test-app 时,出现以下错误:

When I tried to vue init webpack test-app, I got the following error:

Command vue init requires a global addon to be installed.
Please run npm install -g @vue/cli-init and try again.

这就是我安装 vue cli v3 beta6
npm install -g @vue/cli

This is what I did to install vue cli v3 beta6
npm install -g @vue/cli



Apparently, the tutorial does not need to install @vue/cli-init. I am wondering why and how to solve this issue.

旁注:当我像这样安装 npm install -g vue-cli 时,它按预期工作.我发现 vue-cli 是一个稳定的 2.9.x 版本.

Side Notes: When I install like this npm install -g vue-cli it works as expected. I have found that vue-cli is a stable 2.9.x version.


vue-cli repository 我看到了两种不同的搭建 vue 项目的方法.

Looking at vue-cli repository I see two different ways of scaffolding vue projects.

v3(测试版)安装为 npm install -g @vue/cli,使用以下命令创建项目:

The v3 (beta) version, installed as npm install -g @vue/cli, creates projects using the following command:

vue create my-project

虽然版本 2.9.x,可在 master 分支获得,安装为 npm install -g vue-cli 并且它允许项目脚手架如下:

While the version 2.9.x, available at master branch, is installed as npm install -g vue-cli and it allows projects scaffolding with the following:

vue init <template-name> <project-name>


vue init webpack my-project

因此,在您的场景中,对于 v3 版本,您应该使用:vue create test-app.

So, in your scenario, for v3 version you should use: vue create test-app.
