


body {
    background-image: url("image url");


To do so, I'm generating the html content and finally try to print the document using:



While the background image is showing in the run-time in browser, but when printing it does't print. How can I Keep background images during printing?

页面设置对话框中有一个打印背景颜色和图像设置,该设置在Web浏览器之间共享控件和Internet Explorer.

There is a Print Background Colors and Images setting in Page Setup dialog which is shared between Web Browser Control and Internet Explorer.

Microsoft Internet Explorer的页面设置设置存储在以下注册表项中:

Page setup settings for Microsoft Internet Explorer are stored in the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup

打印背景颜色和图像值存储在 Print_Background 键中,该键可以是 yes no .您可以使用代码来更改设置,但请记住,这些值是系统范围的设置,并且会影响 WebBrowser 控件和当前用户的Internet Explorer的所有实例:

Print Background Colors and Images value is stored in Print_Background key which can be yes or no. You can change the setting using code, but just keep in mind, these values are system-wide settings and will affect all instances of the WebBrowser control and Internet Explorer for the current user:

using (var key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(
    @"Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup", true))
    key.SetValue("Print_Background", "yes", Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.String);


Here is the test html that I used:

     body { background-image: url("https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/1x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png"); } 