


I want to write a Python script that reads the names of the Facebook users who wrote a message on my Facebook Page.

我正在使用facebook-sdk Python库.线

I'm using the facebook-sdk Python library. The lines

graph = facebook.GraphAPI(page_access_token)
profile = graph.get_object(profile_id)
posts = graph.get_connections(profile['id'], 'feed')

当我使用通过从Graph API资源管理器中复制而来的短期访问令牌时,工作正常.

work fine when I use a short-lived access token retrieved by just copying it from the Graph API explorer.


But when I generate a never-expiring page access token (read here), there is an error in the last line where the Python script wants to retrieve the name. (KeyError: 'from')

那我该如何设置正确的权限?访问令牌具有user_about_me, user_posts, read_page_mailboxes, manage_pages, publish_pages, public_profile权限,但仍然无法使用.也许我设置我创建的应用程序来检索新的访问令牌时做错了什么?

So how do i set the right permissions? The access token has user_about_me, user_posts, read_page_mailboxes, manage_pages, publish_pages, public_profile permissions, but it still doesn't work. Maybe I did something wrong setting up the app I created to retrieve a new access token?

或者这毕竟不是权限问题? (请参阅我的上一页问题.)

Or maybe this isn't a permissions issue after all? (See my previous question.)


You need to specify the fields you want to retrieve manually if you're using v2.4 or higher. Unfortunately this is not documented in the project you're using:

posts = graph.get_connections(profile['id'], 'feed', 'fields=id,message,from')

我应该根据 https://github.com/pythonforfacebook/facebook-sdk/blob/master/facebook/init.py#L117

should work I guess according to https://github.com/pythonforfacebook/facebook-sdk/blob/master/facebook/init.py#L117