rails 形式的单选按钮标签


我的问题类似于这个但对于 Rails 应用.

My question is similar to this one but for a Rails app.

我有一个带有一些单选按钮的表单,并希望将标签与它们相关联.label 表单助手只接受一个表单域作为参数,但在这种情况下,我有一个表单域的多个单选按钮.我看到的唯一方法是手动创建一个标签,硬编码为单选按钮自动生成的 ID.有谁知道更好的方法吗?

I have a form with some radio buttons, and would like to associate labels with them. The label form helper only takes a form field as a parameter, but in this case I have multiple radio buttons for a single form field. The only way I see to do it is to manually create a label, hard coding the ID that is auto generated for the radio button. Does anyone know of a better way to do it?


<% form_for(@message) do |f| %>
    <%= label :contactmethod %>
    <%= f.radio_button :contactmethod, 'email', :checked => true %> Email
    <%= f.radio_button :contactmethod, 'sms' %> SMS
<% end %>


<label for="message_contactmethod">Contactmethod</label>
<input checked="checked" id="message_contactmethod_email" name="message[contactmethod]" value="email" type="radio"> Email
<input id="message_contactmethod_sms" name="message[contactmethod]" value="sms" type="radio"> SMS


<input checked="checked" id="message_contactmethod_email" name="message[contactmethod]" value="email" type="radio"><label for="message_contactmethod_email">Email</label>
<input id="message_contactmethod_sms" name="message[contactmethod]" value="sms" type="radio"> <label for="message_contactmethod_sms">SMS</label>

<% form_for(@message) do |f| %>
  <%= f.radio_button :contactmethod, 'email', :checked => true %> 
  <%= label :contactmethod_email, 'Email' %>
  <%= f.radio_button :contactmethod, 'sms' %>
  <%= label :contactmethod_sms, 'SMS' %>
<% end %>