


 handleClick: function() {



但它返回 false

单击元素时会触发 handleClick ,并应卸载根节点。有关 unmountComponentAtNode 此处的文档

The handleClick is fired when I click on an element, and should unmount the root-node. Documentation on unmountComponentAtNode here


React .unmountComponentAtNode($('* [data-reactid ='+ this._rootNodeID +']')[0])


该选择器与 jQuery.hide()一起使用,但不能与卸载它一起使用,而文档说它应该是 DOMElement ,就像你用于 React.renderComponent

That selector works with jQuery.hide(), but not with unmounting it, while the documentation states it should be a DOMElement, like you would use for React.renderComponent


After a few more tests it turns out it works on some elements/selectors.

它以某种方式与选择器一起使用: document.getElementById('maindiv'),其中 maindiv 是一个不是用React.js生成的元素,只是简单的html。然后它返回 true

It somehow works with the selector: document.getElementById('maindiv'), where maindiv is an element not generated with React.js, and just plain html. Then it returns true.

但是一旦我尝试选择使用React生成的不同ElementById。 js它返回false。它也不能与 document.body 一起工作,尽管如果我在console.log中它们( getElementsByClassName('bla')它们基本上都返回相同的东西[0] 也不起作用)

But as soon as I try and select a different ElementById that is generated with React.js it returns false. And it wont work with document.body either, though they all essentially return the same thing if I console.log them (getElementsByClassName('bla')[0] also doesn't work)


There should be a simple way to select the node via this, without having to resort to jQuery or other selectors, I know it's in there somewhere..


Unmount components from the same DOM element that you mount them in. So if you did something like:

ReactDOM.render(<SampleComponent />, document.getElementById('container'));



这是一个简单的JSFiddle ,我们安装组件,然后在3秒后卸载它。

Here is a simple JSFiddle where we mount the component and then unmount it after 3 seconds.