


I'd like to accomplish the following with my drop down menu.

1 - 点击后显示

1 - Show it upon click

2 - 在第二次点击时隐藏它

2 -Hide it on second click

3 - 点击它之外的任何地方时隐藏它。

3 - Hide it when clicking anywhere outside of it.

4 - 用幻灯片效果完成所有这些

4 - Do all that with a slide effect




I've got a working proof of concept using jQuery's slideToggle (not shown here)... however, I'd like to learn how to do it in the react way.


in case you'd like to see the full the code: react drop-down nav bar

// CASE 1 Show Hide on click, no slide effect yet  
class ServicesDropdown extends Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            dropdown: false

    handleClick = () => {
        if (!this.state.dropdown) {
            // attach/remove event handler
            document.addEventListener('click', this.handleOutsideClick, false);
        } else {
            document.removeEventListener('click', this.handleOutsideClick, false);

        this.setState(prevState => ({
            dropdown: !prevState.dropdown,

    handleOutsideClick = (e) => {
        // ignore clicks on the component itself
        if (this.node.contains(e.target)) {

    render() {
        return (
            <li ref={node => { this.node = node; }}>
                <a href="#!" onClick={this.handleClick}>Services +</a>
                {this.state.dropdown && 
                    <ul className="nav-dropdown" ref={node => { this.node = node; }}>
                    <li><a href="#!">Web Design</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#!">Web Development</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#!">Graphic Design</a></li>


前段时间我想出了如何将一个向下滑动的效果应用于React组件,它不是完全相同的行为,但你可能会发现我的代码和描述有用。请在此处查看我对其他相关问题的回答: https://*.com/a/48743317/1216245

A while ago I figured out how to apply a slide-down effect to a React component, it's not exactly the same behavior but you might find my code & description useful. See my answer to a different, related question here: https://*.com/a/48743317/1216245

博客文章在这里: http://blog.lunarlogic.io/2018/slidedown-menu-in-react / 即可。随意窃取代码的任何部分。

The blog post is here: http://blog.lunarlogic.io/2018/slidedown-menu-in-react/. Feel free to steal any part of the code.


对于React / JSX部分,将包装要在CSSTransitionGroup中滑动的组件。 (您可以在此处详细了解此React插件: https:/ /reactjs.org/docs/animation.html#high-level-api-reactcsstransitiongroup 和这里: https://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/ 。)

As for the React/JSX part, you wrap the component that you'd like to slide in a CSSTransitionGroup. (You can read more about this React Add-on here: https://reactjs.org/docs/animation.html#high-level-api-reactcsstransitiongroup and here: https://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/.)

<div className="component-container">
    { this.state.showComponent && <Component /> }


Note that it's all wrapped in a container, which you'll need for the animation to work like you'd like it to.


And here is the CSS I used for the slide animation effect:

  Slide animation styles.
  You may need to add vendor prefixes for transform depending on your desired browser support.

.slide-enter {
  transform: translateY(-100%);
  transition: .3s cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0.5, 1);

  &.slide-enter-active {
    transform: translateY(0%);

.slide-leave {
  transform: translateY(0%);
  transition: .3s ease-in-out;

  &.slide-leave-active {
    transform: translateY(-100%);

  CSS for the submenu container needed to adjust the behavior to our needs.
  Try commenting out this part to see how the animation looks without the container involved.

.component-container {
  height: $component-height; // set to the width of your component or a higher approximation if it's not fixed
  min-width: $component-width; // set to the width of your component or a higher approximation if it's not fixed 

完整的例子&演示请查看 http://blog.lunarlogic.io/2018/slidedown-菜单中的反应/

For the full example & demo check out http://blog.lunarlogic.io/2018/slidedown-menu-in-react/.