


I have an app with two collections

Books = new Meteor.Collection("books");
Chapters = new Meteor.Collection("chapters");


Book = {
  _id : BookId,
  users_who_can_view_this_book : [userId, userId]

Chapter = {
  book : BookId


On the server I publish books and chapters like this:

Meteor.publish('books', function() {
  return Books.find({ users_who_can_view_this_book : { $in : [this.userId] } });

Meteor.publish('chapters', function() {
  var bookIds = Books.find({
    users_who_can_view_this_book : {$in : [this.userId] }
  }).map(function(book) {
    return book._id;
  return chapters.find({book: {$in : bookIds}});


On the client I just subscribe like this:



So, if a user has access to a book I want the client to receive the book and its corresponding chapters. This works fine on initial load.


Now, on the server I want to be able to add or remove users to/from the list on the book documents and when I do that, update the client with the new chapters. As of now, the client only get the update on the books, but the chapters referring to that book is not added/removed from the client.

我知道我需要改变章节出版的工作方式.我已经查看了 cursor.observe 和 cursor.observeChange 的文档,但我真的无法掌握在这种情况下如何使用它们.我也研究过这个答案,但我不要得到它的全部.我很乐意解释我对该答案的哪些部分有疑问,但由于情况略有不同,我不知道是否相关.无论如何,我们将不胜感激!

I understand that I need to change the way my chapters publication work. I have looked at the docs for cursor.observe and cursor.observeChange, but I really cannot grasp how to use them in this case. I have also studied this answer but I dont get all of it. I'd be happy to explain what parts of that answer I have questions about but since it's a slightly different case I dont know if is relevant. Anyway, some guidance on this or a working example would be much appreciated!

完全未经测试、无保证的代码,但将您的 Meteor.publish('chapters') 函数替换为:

Totally untested, no-guarantees code, but replace your Meteor.publish('chapters') function with this:

Meteor.publish('chapters-for-me', function() {

  var self = this;

  var handle = Books.find({users_who_can_view_this_book : {$in : [self.userId] }}).observeChanges({

    added: function(id) {
      Chapters.find({book: id}).forEach(function(chapter) {
        self.added("chapters", chapter._id, chapter);

    removed: function(id) {
      Chapters.find({book: id}).forEach(function(chapter) {
        self.removed("chapters", chapter._id);


  self.onStop(function () {



...and then change your subscriptions to this:



... and leave your collection declarations as they are.


I just wrote this on the fly, but at the very least it should steer you in the right direction on how to use observeChanges() to solve your problem.

同样,正如 mquandalle 所说,如果您将 Chapters 文档放在 Book 文档中可能会更好.根据您当前的设置,如果您的章节集合开始变得非常庞大,您的服务器性能将受到重大影响.

Again, as mquandalle stated, it would probably be better if you put your Chapters documents inside your Book documents. With your current setup, if your Chapters collection starts to get really big, your server performance is going to take a significant hit.
