

有previous在这里讨论有关从Android的意图开始谷歌视频群聊: start谷歌视频群聊在Android的

There are previous discussions here regarding starting a Google Hangout from an intent on Android: start google hangouts in android


的结论是,这是不可能的。这是一个要求增强在这里: 的https://$c$c.google .COM / P /谷歌加平台/问题/详细信息?ID = 385

The conclusion was that this was not possible. It is a requested enhancement here: https://code.google.com/p/google-plus-platform/issues/detail?id=385


However, yesterday Google released a new Hangouts app, with a new set of intents. Is starting a hangout via intent now possible?

我已经部分成功与行动= android.intent.action.VIEW 数据=内容://plus.google.com/常去玩的地方

不过,我想通过我要呼叫的人的姓名或ID - 收件人的名字。我不知道这一点。

However, I want to pass the name or ID of the person I want to call--the recipient name. I can't figure this out.


The new browser-based hangout app starts a hangout with a URL something like this:

https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/CONVERSATION/[26-character ID]?hl=en_US&hscid=[19-digit ID]&hpe=[14-character value]&hpn=[Google+ Name of Recipient]&hnc=0&hs=41.


I assume that not all of these parameters are necessary to start a hangout, but I cannot decipher how to pass the recipient name in the intent.

有什么想法? 谢谢你。

Any thoughts? Thank you.


So I don't know if this helps anyone else because I was mostly looking to fire off an intent using tasker. If you go into Google+ > Settings > Contacts you can check "Keep contacts up to date" and it will add some new actions to card that appears when you click on a user in android. Then you can use Intent Intercept to read the values coming through. Here's what I got:

ACTION: android.intent.action.VIEW
DATA: content://com.android.contacts/data/5555
TYPE: vnd.android.cursor.item/vnd.googleplus.profile.comm


Hangouts (com.google.android.talk - com.google.android.apps.babel.phone.BabelProfileActionActivity)

我能够使用前三个值正常打开与该联系人的对话。显然,这取决于接触你的数据字段的数量会发生变化。您可以使用的伎俩,意图拦截,或者如果你有根,您可以使用类似的 SQLite的调试破解的联系人数据库打开数据表,下面的语句找出MIMETYPE_ID = 16和DATA4 = 10。你必须要找到你了你RAW_CONTACT_ID是什么了。祝你好运!

I was able to use the top three values to properly open a conversation with that contact. Obviously the number in your data field will change depending on the contact. You can either use the trick with Intent Intercept, or if you have root you can use something like SQLite Debugger to crack open the data table in the contacts database and find rows where the MIMETYPE_ID = 16 and the DATA4 = 10. You'll have to find your out what your RAW_CONTACT_ID is too. Good luck!