


I have read through the related posts. In every quaestion I see that onActivityResult() of activity gets called at least..the problem is how to carry the result to the fragments or nested fragments. But issue I am facing is different.
I am implementing Settings page that will have tabs with TabLayout from new Design Support library. In my app I have a single Activity which holds other Fragments...so I added a SettingsTabFragment which has ViewPager and a FragmentPagerAdapter to it.This adapter holds fragments for each tab.
One of the tab is User Profile settings where user can add his profile pic. And I called startActivityResult() from child fragment with ACTION_PICK intent. I overriden the onActivityResult() in Activity, in parent fragment (that holds view pager) and in SettingsTabFragment too. But none of them get called when I chose the pic from gallery.

当从以下位置调用startActivityResult()时,不会调用onActivityResult(): -子片段.
-父片段.我是从子片段frag getParentFragment().startActivityResult()以及从直接连接到活动(不嵌套)的父片段本身中进行此操作的. -使用getParentFragment().getActivity().startActivityResult()使用子片段中的活动进行调用.

None of onActivityResult() get called when startActivityResult() called from:
- child fragment.
- parent fragment. I did this from child frag getParentFragment().startActivityResult() AND also from within the parent fragment itself which is attached to activity directly (not nested).
- called using activity from child fragment with getParentFragment().getActivity().startActivityResult().


None of them lead to call onActivityResult() of, at least, activity.

当我从片段中调用startActivityResult()时,我确保只调用了startActivityResult().. not getActivity().startActivityResult().

When I called startActivityResult() from fragment I made sure I called just startActivityResult()..not getActivity().startActivityResult().

我追踪 onActivityResult未在Fragment中调用,并尝试了github lib在答案之一中建议,但似乎所有者告诉我们现在不建议这样做.也有编译错误.

I follwed onActivityResult is not being called in Fragment and tried the github lib suggested in one of the answers but seems owner told it is not recommended now. Also it has got compilation errors.



In my case i was picking up the mobile number from the contact by using intent in my child fragment class i.e. one of tab of view pager.


//Home是我的父片段,其中包含Tab布局和View Pager.我通过指定标签来调用Home Fragment,稍后我将使用此标签.

// Home is my parent fragment which contains Tab Layout and View Pager. I am calling Home Fragment by specifying tag, i will use this tag later on.

Fragment fragment = new Home();
               .replace(R.id.main_content, fragment, "MobileTag")


Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, 
startActivityForResult(intent, 1);

现在它将调用MainActivity类的onActivityResult方法 在主要活动中:

Now it will call the onActivityResult method of MainActivity class In Main Activity:

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

通过在MainActivity的onActivityResult中调用super将调用父片段的i.e.,即Home Fragment的onActivityResult方法.

By Calling super in onActivityResult of MainActivity will make a call to Parent fragment's i.e. Home Fragment's onActivityResult method.


In Parent Fragment i.e. Home Fragment:

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    Fragment fragment = getFragmentManager()
    fragment.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);


here I am getting the 0th Child of parent fragment e.g. In View Pager Adapter if Fragment are added like:

public Fragment getItem(int position) {
    switch (position){
        case 0 :return new ChildFragment0();
        case 1 : return new ChildFragment1();
        case 2 : return new ChildFragment2();
    return null;


   .get(0); // will return ChildFragment0


After this Make a call to child fragment's onActivityResult method:


public void onActivityResult(int reqCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    Cursor cursor = null;
    String contactNumber = "";           
    Uri result = data.getData();
    // get the result here