

我正在尝试使用javascript来突出显示用户点击某个奇怪突出显示按钮时所选择的文本(如< span style =background-color:yellow>突出显示的文字< / span> )。它只需要与WebKit或Firefox一起使用,但它似乎几乎不可能,因为它必须在以下情况下工作:

I'm trying to find a way with javascript to highlight the text the user selects when they click some odd highlight button (as in <span style="background-color:yellow">highlighted text</span>). It only has to work with either WebKit or Firefox, but it seems to be well nigh impossible because it has to work in the following cases:

<p>this is text</p>
<p>I eat food</p>

当用户在浏览器中选择is text到I eat时(不能)只是把它放在那里)。

When the user selects from "is text" through "I eat" in the browser (can't just put a span there).


<span><span>this is text</span>middle text<span>this is text</span></span>

当用户在浏览器中选择is text到this is时(即使你可以在选区中的每个元素周围包装你的高光跨度,我希望你看到你试图让中间文字突出显示。)

When the user selects from "is text" to "this is" in the browser (even though you can wrap your highlight spans around each element in the selection, I'd like to see you try to get that middle text highlighted).


This problem doesn't seem to be solved anywhere, frankly I doubt it's possible.

如果你能从选择中得到的范围作为一个完整的html字符串可能是可能的解析然后替换,但据我所知,你不能得到一个范围的原始html ..可惜。

It would be possible if you could get the Range that you get from the selection as a string complete with html which could be parsed and then replaced, but as far as I can tell you can't get the raw html of a Range.. pity.


This answer is probably a few years too late for you, but I faced a similar problem and wanted to document it here, since it is the first hit on google.


To reiterate, the problem is that you would like to just capture the Range object from the User Selection and surround it with a styled div, like so:

function highlightSelection() {
    var userSelection = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);


function highlightRange(range) {
    var newNode = document.createElement("div");
       "background-color: yellow; display: inline;"


But as Original Parent states, this is unsafe. It will work if the selection does not cross element boundaries, but it will throw a DOM eror if the Range created by the User Selection is an unsafe range which crosses the boundaries of HTML tags.


The solution is to produce an array of smaller Range objects, none of which individually crosses an element barrier, but which collectively cover the Range selected by the user. Each of these safe Ranges can be highlighted as above.

function getSafeRanges(dangerous) {
    var a = dangerous.commonAncestorContainer;
    // Starts -- Work inward from the start, selecting the largest safe range
    var s = new Array(0), rs = new Array(0);
    if (dangerous.startContainer != a)
        for(var i = dangerous.startContainer; i != a; i = i.parentNode)
    if (0 < s.length) for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
        var xs = document.createRange();
        if (i) {
        else {
            xs.setStart(s[i], dangerous.startOffset);
                (s[i].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
                ? s[i] : s[i].lastChild

    // Ends -- basically the same code reversed
    var e = new Array(0), re = new Array(0);
    if (dangerous.endContainer != a)
        for(var i = dangerous.endContainer; i != a; i = i.parentNode)
    if (0 < e.length) for(var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
        var xe = document.createRange();
        if (i) {
        else {
                (e[i].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
                ? e[i] : e[i].firstChild
            xe.setEnd(e[i], dangerous.endOffset);

    // Middle -- the uncaptured middle
    if ((0 < s.length) && (0 < e.length)) {
        var xm = document.createRange();
        xm.setStartAfter(s[s.length - 1]);
        xm.setEndBefore(e[e.length - 1]);
    else {
        return [dangerous];

    // Concat
    response = rs.concat(re);    

    // Send to Console
    return response;


It is then possible to (appear to) highlight the User Selection, with this modified code:

function highlightSelection() {
    var userSelection = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
    var safeRanges = getSafeRanges(userSelection);
    for (var i = 0; i < safeRanges.length; i++) {


Note that you'' probably need some fancier CSS to make the many disparate elements a user could look nice together. I hope that eventually this helps some other weary soul on the internet!