






func unslice(s string) (string) {
  return string([]byte(s))


  1. 底层的字符串非常大
  2. 我想保留的部分很小
  3. 我想保留的部分会保留很长时间
  4. 这个程序会运行很长一段时间,甚至更长时间
  5. 在程序的生命周期中,它将分割这些字符串中的许多(数百万)


func takesBigStringOften(big string) {
    parts := strings.Split(big, " ")


我正在使用字符串。拆分以拆分字符串。 p>

I 希望我的程序保留数组的元素之一并释放基础数组。 p>

不幸的是,我无法弄清楚如何将字符串的片段转换为不包含字符串的字符串。 p>

我应该做这样的事情: p>

  func unslice(s string)(string  ){
返回字符串([] byte(s))
  code>  pre> 

背景为: p>

    \ n
  1. 基础字符串很大 li>
  2. 我要保留的切片很小 li>
  3. 我要保留的切片将保留很长时间 li>
  4. 该程序将运行很长时间-数周或更长时间 li>
  5. 在该程序的生命周期内,它将拆分许多这样的字符串(百万) li> ol>

    以下是回应评论的示例。 p>

      func takeBigStringOften(big string){
     parts:=字符串 .Split(big,  “)
     saveTinyStringForALongTime(parts [0])
      code>  pre> 

To ensure that Go doesn't keep the underlying string in memory you will have to explicitly copy it to a new location:

func unslice(old string) string {
    new := make([]byte,len(old))
    return string(old)

SmallString := unslice(BigString[0:7])

Just as some further information. Some benchmark code and memory profiling shows that as of go 1.5.3, both methods allocate the same amount of memory from the heap, i.e. a new copy is made either way. In building a string from a byte slice, the compiler calls a routine that makes a unique copy of the bytes - since strings are immutable and byte slices are not.

$ go tool pprof -alloc_space so002.test cprof0
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands)
(pprof) list copy
Total: 9.66MB
    9.62MB     9.62MB (flat, cum) 99.55% of Total
         .          .     15:
         .          .     16:var global string
         .          .     17:
         .          .     18:func benchmarkcopy(b *testing.B, c int) {
         .          .     19:   big := "This is a long string"
         .       240B     20:   parts := strings.Split(big, " ")
         .          .     21:   old := parts[0]
         .          .     22:   jlimit := 100
         .          .     23:   for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
         .          .     24:       for j := 0; j < jlimit; j++ {
    3.21MB     3.21MB     25:           global = string([]byte(old))
         .          .     26:       }
         .          .     27:       for j := 0; j < jlimit; j++ {
         .          .     28:           b := []byte(old)
    3.21MB     3.21MB     29:           global = string(b)
         .          .     30:       }
         .          .     31:       for j := 0; j < jlimit; j++ {
    3.21MB     3.21MB     32:           new := make([]byte, len(old))
         .          .     33:           copy(new, old)
         .          .     34:           global = string(old)
         .          .     35:       }
         .          .     36:   }
         .          .     37:}