


I am wondering if I could share a singleton on the application context across multiple applications? Each application would be in its own APK but This might sound like bad architecture but hear me out first.

之所以要这样做,是因为我有一个现有的库,该库通过蓝牙控制外部设备.该库是Java,但在后台却隐藏了全部由Java包装的本机(c/c ++).我曾经考虑过将所有这些都投入服务,但是IPC(我正在使用aidl)变得非常麻烦.试图将对象简化为基元几乎是不可能的(私有字段,jni指针等),并且尝试用AIDL包装所有内容非常混乱.

The reason I would like to do this is because I have an existing library which controls an external device over bluetooth. The library is java but under the covers there is allot of native (c/c++) all wrapped by java. I have looked at putting this all in a service but the IPC (I was using aidl) becomes very cumbersome fast. Trying to reduce object to primitives is next to impossible (private fields, jni pointers etc) and trying to wrap everything with AIDL is very messy.


If each app could run in the same process and also have the same application context hence allowing me to keep a singleton object on there that would make things much easier. My googl-fu is failing me on this one. Maybe its not possible?


Yes, they can. You just need to assign same values to android:sharedUserId and android:process in both applications and sign them with same certificate.


  • manifest property android:sharedUserId
  • application property: android:process
  • Processes and Threads General Description