Eclipse Indigo中Maven的依赖关系层次结构视图


使用最新版本的eclipse(Indigo SR2)似乎无法获得依赖关系层次结构视图.大约一年前的帖子表示不再支持依赖关系图但是依赖项层次结构应该起作用

Can't seem to get the dependency hierarchy view with the latest version of eclipse (Indigo SR2). This post from almost a year ago indicates that the dependency graph is no longer supported but that the dependency hierarchy should be working



请确保使用 Maven POM编辑器打开 pom.xml 文件.右键单击文件,然后选择打开方式> Maven POM编辑器.这应该为您期望的编辑器提供查看依赖关系和依赖关系层次结构的选项.

Make sure to open the pom.xml file using the Maven POM Editor. Right-click the file, then select Open With > Maven POM Editor. This should give you the expected editor with the option to view the dependencies and the dependency hierarchy.
