


I have developed a few app store applications but recently have been asked by small and medium companies if I would be interested in developing bespoke apps.


I find the license and contracts with Apple a little confusing to say the least, there are 3 types of build a developer can produce.

  1. 应用商店
  2. 临时
  3. 企业

不需要应用商店,因为这些是私人项目. Ad Hoc似乎仅限于100个预标识的设备,这又不是理想选择,而Enterprise是否适合250多个应用程序?那么,如何为客户端安装数量未知(例如50到150)的iphone开发应用程序呢?

App store is not required as these are private projects. Ad Hoc seems to be limited to 100 pre-identified devices which again isn't ideal and Enterprise is for 250+ applications? So how can you develop an app for the iphone with an unknown number of client installs from say 50 to 150?


I want to give the client the app (ipa) and let them control who they give/sell it too, is this even possible?




You will need an enterprise account to do this. There you can compile distribution builds that can be installed on any iphone/ipad you want without having to include them in a list as for ad hoc builds.