

我有 Xcode 5,我试图验证我的应用程序,但发现这些通信错误:

I have Xcode 5, I have tried to validate my app but these communication errors were found:

通讯错误.请使用诊断模式检查连通性.您需要具有对 TCP 端口 443 的出站访问权限.

Communication error. Please use diagnostic mode to check connectivity. You need to have outbound access to TCP port 443.


An exception has occurred:Remote host closed connection during handshake


An error occurred while invoking service method:authicateForTransportDiscovery


无法连接到 Apple 的网络服务

Could not connect to Apple's web service


An error has occurred while invoking service method: validateMetadata


Unable to authenticate the package: 96850972.itmsp


对我有用的是使用 Transporter 应用程序(在 Mac App Store 上找到),创建存档后选择 EXPORT 它而不是上传它,你会得到一个包含 4 个文件的文件夹,其中一个是 .ipa,从 Transporter 中选择 .ipa 并单击交付,就像一个魅力,无需重新启动或更改网络.

What worked for me is to use the Transporter app (found on Mac App Store), after creating an archive choose to EXPORT it not upload it, you will get a folder containing 4 files with one of the being the .ipa, from the Transporter select the .ipa and click deliver, worked like a charm, didn't have to reboot or change the network.