PHP 电子邮件编码?



I am having some trouble with foreign characters when sending an e-mail. Could someone advise me on what to do? I suspect the problem could be one of three things.

  1. html 页面编码不正确.(这会影响表单中的 POST 数据吗?)
  2. 邮件功能没有任何编码.因此程序不知道如何读取它.(最有可能)
  3. 文件本身没有正确的编码,因此会出现问题.(可能不太可能)


Are there any other possible causes?

我正在尝试一一解决这些问题,直到找到问题为止.我认为选项 2 是最可能的原因.如何为邮件功能添加正确的通用编码?

I am trying to knock these out 1 by 1 until I find the problem. I think that option 2 is the most likely cause. How do I add proper - universal encoding to a mail function?


This is what I have at the moment.

$mail_sent = mail($client_email, $title, $message, "From: {$visitor_email}");


I am currently aware that form does not send polish or Swedish characters.


I would be very grateful if someone could point out any other possible causes and tell me what encoding I need to use to send e-mails.


据我所知,PHP 不支持 UTF-8 作为其字符串的默认编码.您需要为您喜欢的编码使用相关的编码/处理函数.

As far as I know PHP does not support UTF-8 as default encoding for its strings. You need to use the relevant encoding/handling functions for the encoding you would prefer.

还要将 Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8 添加到您的电子邮件标头,以便电子邮件客户端正确显示字符(或替换为您选择的编码).

Also add a Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8 to your email headers so the email clients will display the characters correctly (or replace with your encoding of choice).