

创建具有一个blob容器后CreateIfNotExists(),我立即拨打 SetPermissions()来允许用户公开访问到容器中的斑点,但不是在容器本身

After creating a blob container with CreateIfNotExists(), I immediately call SetPermissions() to allow users public access to the blobs in the container, but not to the container itself.


CloudBlobContainer pdfContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(ContainerName.PDFs);

if (pdfContainer.CreateIfNotExists())
    pdfContainer.SetPermissions(new BlobContainerPermissions { PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob });



Am I missing an additional call to commit the permission changes? None of the examples that I've looked at seem to show that and I don't see anything in the documentation either. I'm using v2.0 of the Azure SDK.


看起来 CreateIfNotExists()总是返回false。我撬开在反射器打开组装和发现它受凉(409)冲突HTTP错误和吞咽异常。这似乎是与任一SDK或服务器端REST实现的问题。即使容器不存在和容器创建成功,一个409仍从服务器返回

It looks like CreateIfNotExists() is always returning false. I pried the assembly open in Reflector and found that it was catching a (409) Conflict HTTP error and swallowing the exception. This appears to be an issue with either the SDK or the server-side REST implementation. Even though the container does not exist and the container creation succeeds, a 409 is still returned from the server.

这似乎是做的最好的事就是调用 CreateIfNotExists()并忽略返回值了。

It seems like the best thing to do is call CreateIfNotExists() and ignore the return value for now.

此外,没有必要调用 SetPermissions之前调用 GetPermissions()()

Also, it is not necessary to call GetPermissions() before calling SetPermissions().


This works for me (I run it on app start-up):

var blobContainer = GetPhotoBlobContainer();  
var perm = new BlobContainerPermissions();  
perm.PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob;  