





<img src =http://upload.tehran98.com/img1/fc0u5y01z9cuplx56zaj_thumb.jpgborder =0alt =fc0u5y01z9cuplx56zaj.jpg/>










hello friends.
this is my question.i am new in c#.
i have a form and a user control and a flowlayoutpanel.

As you see i have two buttons on user control.their name is del and add.
<img src="http://upload.tehran98.com/img1/fc0u5y01z9cuplx56zaj_thumb.jpg" border="0" alt="fc0u5y01z9cuplx56zaj.jpg" />

i want that when i click on delete button on user control _the same user control remove from my flowlayoutpanel and so on.

i want when i click add button_ one user control(from itself) add to my flowlayoutpanel and so on.

this is my code for delete and add .
this code work when add button is on the main form.but when i click on add button on user_control dont work.
how to correct it.

((how shoud i change my code to work .my problem is that my code is correct for main form.
my code add button:work just on my main form.
if i use this code in button on the user_control .this dont add new control.
what should i change my code?and where shoud i code? on main form or on the user_control form ?))

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
          if (counter == 10) { counter = 0; }
          UserControl1 btnAdd = new UserControl1();
          btnAdd.Name = "usercontrol" + counter.ToString();
          btnAdd.button1.Name = "click";
          btnAdd.button1.Click += new EventHandler(button2_Click);
        //  btnAdd.button1.BackColor = Color.Gray;
        //  btnAdd.button1.Text = "Add";


delete button :

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
           Button btn = sender as Button;
           if (btn != null)
               this.Text = (btn.Name + " removeded");

您的代码难以阅读。你永远不应该使用 UserControl1 button1 button2_Click 等名称 - 他们违反(良好)Microsoft命名约定。我知道,它们是自动生成的。永远不要使用这些名称,它们应该被重命名为语义。

你做其他一些坏事。首先,你不应该公开 button1 ,它打破了良好的封装。不要使用 RemoveByKey ,并且通常不会假设属性的某些值 Name 。此属性适用于设计师,而不适用于您的代码。


Your code is a pain to read. You should never use names like UserControl1, button1 or button2_Click — they violate (good) Microsoft naming conventions. I know, they are auto-generated. Never use such names, they are supposed to be renamed to something semantic.

You do some other bad things. First of all, you should not expose button1, it breaks good encapsulation. Don''t use RemoveByKey, and, generally, never assume certain values of the property Name. This property is for designer, not for your code.

First of all, expose the button properly, not as a control, but only as the event; you can expose some properties, separately:

class MyUserControl {
   Button myButton = new Button(); // private; keep it private
   internal MyUserControl() {
       myButton.Click = += (sender, eventArgs) => {
           if (MyButtonClick != null)
               MyButtonClick.Invoke(this, new System.EventArgs());
       }; //myButton.Click
   } //MyUserControl

   internal System.EventHandler MyButtonClick;

   internal string MyButtonName {
       get { return myButton.Name; }
       set { myButton.Name = value; } 
   } //MyButtonName

   // ...
} //class MyUserControl


Now, you can properly add the control instances:

Panel parent = new Panel(); // could be flow panel, anything else...

MyUserControl first = new MyUserControl();
// now arrange it, give names to labels, button, etc.
first.MyButtonClick += (sender, EventArgs) => {
    MyUserControl second = new MyUserControl();
    // arrange second here... the location may depends on the location of already added controls
}; //first.MyButtonClick

first.Parent = parent; // same as parent.Controls.Add(first);



Note that anonymous methods for event handlers make the code much simpler and better isolated. Child controls of the user control are not exposed, only some minimal set of properties and events is exposed.