Raspberry Pi 3B上Azure功能中的CORS


我在树莓派pi 3的docker容器中运行了Azure函数V2. 我可以通过网络中pi的ip地址访问这些功能. 我的问题是,由于CORS,我无法从我的网站访问它.

I have Azure functions V2 running on my raspberry pi 3 in a docker container. I can access the functions via the ip-address of the pi in the network. My problem is that I can't access it from my website because of CORS.

如果我的功能在云中运行,则可以轻松添加CORS. 有谁知道我可以在树莓派上解决这个问题? 更新docker文件还是更改文件?

If my Functions where running in the cloud, I could easily add CORS. Does anyone know how I could fix this on the raspberry pi? Update docker file or change files?


CORS is basically just sending the appropriate headers in your response.


On Azure, this is taken care of by the platform itself but since you will be running/accessing the functions runtime directly from a container, you can just set them on the response object.


For example, if you are using NodeJS/JavaScript for your functions, set the headers using context.res

context.res = {
  status: 200,
  headers: {
    'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true',
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', // Or the origins you want to allow requests from
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  body: {
    just: 'some data'