

我正在使用 PHPMailer 向我的客户发送电子邮件。我正在使用SMTP连接。我只想发送电子邮件到客户的电子邮件地址。但是PHPMailer会自动将电子邮件保存在我的已发送邮件文件夹中。我想禁用已发送邮件文件夹中的保存电子邮件。

I'm using PHPMailer for send emails to my clients. I'm using SMTP connection. I want to only send email to client email address. But PHPMailer automatically saves email on my Sent Mails folder. I want to disable save emails on sent mails folder.


Is it possible? Please help me...


PHPMailer doesn't do anything similar, and the base library can't either.


If you have a modified version, or your operating system's mailer saves everything in a folder.


Otherwise it worth a try to remove the 'Sent Mails' directory, or set its permissions to non-writable by anybody, or replace the folder by a file. Maybe any of these options helps. These solutions are hacky... The clean way would be to turn of in the mail server's config/or in the phpmailer's modification you use.