C# 中的 override 和 new 关键字有什么区别?


在类层次结构中定义方法时,C# 中的 overridenew 关键字有什么区别?

What is the difference between the override and new keywords in C# when defining methods in class hierarchies?


The following page summarizes your question very nicely.




Override: When a method of a base class is overridden in a derived class, the version in the derived class is used, even if the calling code didn't "know" that the object was an instance of the derived class.


New: If you use the new keyword instead of override, the method in the derived class doesn't override the method in the base class, it merely hides it.

如果您没有指定 new 或 overrides,则结果输出与您指定 new 的结果相同,但您还会收到编译器警告(因为您可能不知道您在其中隐藏了一个方法)基类方法,或者实际上您可能想要覆盖它,只是忘记包含关键字).

If you don't specify either new or overrides, the resulting output is the same as if you specified new, but you'll also get a compiler warning (as you may not be aware that you're hiding a method in the base class method, or indeed you may have wanted to override it, and merely forgot to include the keyword).


Override: used with virtual/abstract/override type of method in base class


New: when base class has not declared method as virtual/abstract/override