在Facebook Graph API上的帮助,返回“false”但UID是公开的


我真的不明白为什么在某些Facebook对象(更具体的是:用户的帖子)中,当API使用通过OAuth通过应用程序获取的access_token时,Graph API返回false,但不能使用用户access_token。

I really could not understand why on some Facebook objects (being more specific: user posts) the Graph API returns false when using an access_token obtained via OAuth by an application, but NOT by using a user access_token.

https:/ /graph.facebook.com/10150158049595775?access_token=XXXXXXXXXX

I have an example here: https://graph.facebook.com/10150158049595775?access_token=XXXXXXXXXX


This post is public, and I have no friends in common with this user.

如果您尝试通过使用通常的Facebook OAuth方案获取的令牌来访问上面的URL,则服务器返回false。

If you try to access the url above by using a token obtained via the usual Facebook OAuth scheme, the server return "false".

如果您使用用户访问令牌,例如FB给您的访问权限,请访问此页面中的示例 http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ ,Graph API正确地提供了用户的帖子详细信息。

If you use your user access token, for example the one that FB gives you by visiting the examples in this page http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/, the Graph API correctly gives you the users's post detail.


I believe it's not a matter of extended permissions required, first because the post above is public, and second, because for testing I've tried to make my application generate a token by asking ALL user permissions (yes, all permissions found on developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions/) and the answer was always "false".

我假设这篇文章是可以在Facebook上的所有人使用,这可能是Facebook正在接受用户的原因 access_token (即以用户身份查看帖子),而不接受 access_token 的应用程序。

I suppose this post is "Available to everyone on Facebook", which may be the reason why Facebook is accepting a user access_token (i.e. viewing the post as a user) and not accepting an application access_token.

另请注意,这将在没有 access_token (如果您预设所有者ID))下工作:

Also note that this would work without access_token (if you prepend the owner id):


猜测 被视为可公开访问