如何使用Java从Windows Vault中检索用户名和密码?


我想检索以编程方式存储在Windows Vault中的用户名和密码.

I would like to retrieve username and password programmatically stored in windows vault.

是否有Java API可用于从Windows保险柜安全地检索用户名和密码?

Is there a Java API which can be used to retrieve the username and password securely from the Windows Vault?


Have you seen How do I store and retrieve credentials from the Windows Vault credential manager? I think you can refer this for an answer. Maybe it can help you with your question.


如pcdev所述,您想使用Java进行检索.我的错误我没有正确阅读.我在他使用java.jna.WindowsCredentialManager时找到了一个GitHub. https://github.com/dariusz-szczepaniak/java.jna.WindowsCredentialManager

As mention by pcdev, you want to retrieve using Java. My mistake I did not read properly. I found one GitHub as he using java.jna.WindowsCredentialManager. https://github.com/dariusz-szczepaniak/java.jna.WindowsCredentialManager
