


I am working on a project related to both school and work where I would like to combine data from a college entrance application (which includes email address) and Facebook data, even a minimum amount of data, such as number of "friends" or any other public info they've put out there. Am I correct that you can't really programmatically search Facebook by email address? Feel free to make any suggestions. Thanks


You can search Facebook by email address, you just can't reliably search Facebook by email address.


For instance, you can make this query with a user access token:


我已经与我知道谁是在Facebook上,在那里我知道他们的电子邮件地址,几个人试过,但我不是朋友和他们在一起。 (多为我妻子的朋友)。

I've tried this with a few people I know who are on Facebook, where I know their email address, but I am not friends with them. (Mostly my wife's friends).

在我的测试中,只有约20%,这些查询返回的Facebook USER_ID。我不知道,如果他们不具备的电子邮件,我知道链接到其用户帐户,或者如果他们自己的隐私设置,以限制他们的电子邮件地址。

In my testing, only about 20% of these queries return a Facebook user_id. I'm not sure if they don't have the email I know linked to their user account or if they have their privacy set to restrict their email address.


Once you have their user_id, you can access all their public information at



You don't need an access token to get this information.