


I've got a little web app that I made to play with Android's WebView functionality.

我有我的按钮使用(与的onclick 属性)部分的div。当尝试应用程序(在设备的浏览器),我立刻攻一个按钮后,发现了大量的滞后。滞后来当我轻点按钮,并在浏览器中显示周围的橙色亮点之间吧。

I've got some divs that I use as buttons (with onclick attributes). Upon trying out the app (in the device's browser), I immediately noticed a huge amount of lag after tapping a button. The lag comes between when I tap the button and when the browser shows the orange highlight around it.


I did some testing and got some info:

  • 在JavaScript是没有问题的。我断开链接我所有的脚本和空白了所有的的onclick 属性。性能没有改变。
  • 在CSS3的东西是没问题的。我摆脱了所有花哨梯度,而且性能并没有改变。
  • 的元素的数目是没有问题的。我尝试了与页面上只有几个元素,而性能没有改变。
  • 文档类型和元的东西是没问题的。我确信我是用什么样的Andr​​oid 建议
  • JavaScript isn't the problem. I unlinked all my scripts and blanked out all the onclick attributes. The performance didn't change.
  • CSS3 stuff isn't the problem. I got rid of all the fancy gradients, and the performance didn't change.
  • The number of elements isn't the problem. I tried it with just a few elements on the page, and performance didn't change.
  • Doctype and meta stuff isn't the problem. I made sure I was using what Android recommends.


I'm really at a loss as to why there's so much lag. I've eliminated everything that could be causing it, but nothing's helped.



基本上,点击手机浏览器事件是由300毫秒延迟。你知道的快速键模式?基本上,你可以使用 touchstart 事件(其中火灾无延迟)。

Basically, click events on mobile browsers are delayed by 300ms. Do you know of the fast button pattern? Basically you can use the touchstart event (which fires without delay).


Here's a complete explanation: http://code.google.com/mobile/articles/fast_buttons.html