


I am creating an external photo gallery using PHP and the Facebook graph API. It pulls thumbnails as well as the large image from albums on our Facebook Fan Page.

除了我只能检索到ADMIN发布到我们的页面的照片,一切都很完美。 (graph.facebook.com/myalbumid/photos)有没有办法使用graph api从粉丝上载上传的照片?

Everything works perfect, except I'm only able to retrieve photos that an ADMIN posts to our page. (graph.facebook.com/myalbumid/photos) Is there a way to use graph api to load publicy uploaded photos from fans?

我想从照片来自专辑,但试图获取图形查询的ID不像其他相册...它看起来像这样: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set = o.116860675007039

I want to retrieve the pictures from the "Photos from" album, but trying to get the ID for the graph query is not like other albums... it looks like this: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=o.116860675007039

另一个说明:我接近收回这个数据的唯一方法是使用feed选项.. ie: graph.facebook.com/pageid/feed

Another note: The only way i've come close to retreiving this data is by using the "feed" option.. ie: graph.facebook.com/pageid/feed

这是关于我可以得到的 - 它的工作,但有一些问题如下所述。也许有人可以扩展这个,或者提供一个更好的解决方案。 (使用FB PHP SDK)

This is about as far as I could get- it works, but has certain issues stated below. Maybe someone could expand on this, or provide a better solution. (Using FB PHP SDK)

require_once ('config.php');
// get all photos for album
$photos = $facebook->api("/YourID/tagged");
$maxitem =10;
$count = 0;
foreach($photos['data'] as $photo) {
    if ($photo['type'] == "photo"):
        echo "<img src='{$photo['picture']}' />", "<br />";
    $count+= 1;
    if ($count >= "$maxitem") break;



1) The fact that I don't know a method for graph querying specific "types" of Tags, I had to run a conditional statement to display photos.

2)你不能有效地使用?limit =#,因为正如我所说的tagged查询包含所有类型(照片,视频和状态)。所以如果你要去一个照片库,并希望通过使用?limit来避免运行整个查询,你将丢失图像。

2) You cannot effectively use the "?limit=#" with this, because as I said the "tagged" query contains all types (photo, video, and status). So if you are going for a photo gallery and wish to avoid running an entire query by using ?limit, you will lose images.


3) The only content that shows up in the "tagged" query is from people that are not Admins of the page. This isn't the end of the world, but I don't understand why Facebook wouldn't allow yourself to be shown in this data as long as you posted it "as yourself" and not as the page.


You need to retrieve all the albums and then get all the photos. This can be easily done by using FQL:

SELECT pid,owner,src_small,src_big 
FROM photo 
WHERE aid IN (
    SELECT aid 
    FROM album 
    WHERE owner = your_page_id



Also you need to query the stream table to get the wall posts then check if you have attachments and the type of the attachment:

SELECT attachment
FROM stream 
WHERE source_id = 116860675007039


    "attachment": {
      "media": [
          "href": "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1801693052786&set=o.116860675007039",
          "alt": "test",
          "type": "photo",
          "src": "http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/185861_1801693052786_1553635161_1863491_4978966_s.jpg",
          "photo": {
            "aid": "6672812206410774346",
            "pid": "6672812206412558147",
            "fbid": 1801693052786,
            "owner": 1553635161,
            "index": 11,
            "width": 246,
            "height": 198
      "name": "",
      "caption": "",
      "description": "",
      "properties": [],
      "icon": "http://b.static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v1/yz/r/StEh3RhPvjk.gif",
      "fb_object_type": "photo",
      "fb_object_id": "6672812206412558147"
    "attachment": {
      "description": ""