


I am making a website and have a vertical list of buttons along the left side of the site. I want to hide them in the side so only a tab show. When the menu is hidden, I want the tab to say something like More, then when the menu is visible, I want the tab to say hide.


So i have a couple questions... How can I make the menu, which is essentially just a div, slide out from outside the screen on click, while also having the text on the tab change and the a href destination change so that when the slide function is complete, the tab will say hide, and when clicking it, it will send the div back out of the screen.


If you have the facebook app on your phone, I basically want to replicate that on my desktop website.


This is pretty straightforward using jQuery. These are the steps you should take.

  1. 使用固定位置将弹出式视窗固定在萤幕一侧

  2. 添加可点击区域用户通过

  3. 触发幻灯片输入/输出效果。创建jQuery动画,通过负边距滑动内容。
  4. 如何显示触发器(显示/隐藏)

  1. Fix the popout to one side of the screen using fixed positioning
  2. Add a clickable area that user triggers the slide in/out effect with
  3. Create a jQuery animation to slide the content on/off via negative margins
  4. In the animation callback change how you want the trigger displayed (show/hide)

重要 - toggle 事件在jQuery 1.8中已弃用,并在1.9中移除。我的原始答案将不再工作。这个新版本将工作在较旧和较新版本的jQuery。此方法使用点击处理程序和一个名为 hidden 的类来确定弹出窗口是否应该在屏幕上显示/不显示。

Important - toggle event is deprecated in jQuery 1.8 and removed in 1.9. My original answer will no longer work. This new version will work in both older and newer version of jQuery. This method uses a click handler and a class called hidden to determine whether the popout should be animated on/off the screen.




//when the trigger is clicked we check to see if the popout is currently hidden
//based on the hidden we choose the correct animation
$('#trigger').click( function() {
    if ($('#popout').hasClass('hidden')) {
    else {

function showPopout() {
        left: 0
    }, 'slow', function () {
        $('#trigger span').html('Close');  //change the trigger text at end of animation

function hidePopout() {
        left: -40
    }, 'slow', function () {
        $('#trigger span').html('Show');  //change the trigger text at end of animation


/* minimal CSS */
 #popout {
    position: fixed;                /* fix the popout to the left side of the screen */
    top: 50px;
    left: -40px;                    /* use a negative margin to pull the icon area of the popout off the edge of the page */
    width: 75px;
    border: 1px dotted gray;
    color: gray;
#trigger {                          /* create a clickable area that triggers the slide in/out effect */
    position: absolute;             /* position clickable area to consume entire right section of popout (add a border if you want to see for yourself) */  
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    right: 0;
    cursor: pointer;   

$ b


    function() {
        $('#popout').animate({ left: 0 }, 'slow', function() {
    function() {
        $('#popout').animate({ left: -40 }, 'slow', function() {

<div id="popout">
    <div id="toggle">Show</div>
    <br style="clear: both" />

#popout { position: fixed; height: 100px; width: 75px; border: 1px dotted gray; background: darkblue; color: white; top:50px; left: -40px; }
#toggle { float: right; }