


This is a javascrip that I made, is it possible to make a simmilar C#.net (2.0) code?

// Window Frame Style Options (enum)
var w_WindowProperties = {
	"BorderStyle": { "None": "BorderStyle=" + 0, "FixedSingle": "BorderStyle=" + 1, "Fixed3D": "BorderStyle=" + 2 /*Default*/, "FixedDialog": "BorderStyle=" + 3, "Sizeable": "BorderStyle=" + 4, "FixedToolWindow": "BorderStyle=" + 5 /*MinimizeBox & MaximizeBox is hidden*/, "SizeableToolWindow": "BorderStyle=" + 6 /*MinimizeBox & MaximizeBox is hidden*/ },
	"StartPosition": { "Manual": "StartPosition=" + 0, "CenterScreen": "StartPosition=" + 1, "DefaultLocation": "StartPosition=" + 2 /*Default*/, "DefaultBounds": "StartPosition=" + 3 /* width:800px, height:600px*/, "CenterParent": "StartPosition=" + 4 },
	"ShowToolBox": { "No": "ShowToolBox=" + 0, "Yes": "ShowToolBox=" + 1 /*Default*/ },
	"ShowMinimizeBox": { "No": "ShowMinimizeBox=" + 0, "Yes": "ShowMinimizeBox=" + 1 /*Default*/},
	"ShowMaximizeBox": { "No": "ShowMaximizeBox=" + 0, "Yes": "ShowMaximizeBox=" + 1 /*Default*/ },
	"ShowCloseBox": { "No": "ShowCloseBox=" + 0, "Yes": "ShowCloseBox=" + 1 /*Default*/ }


You could use the [Flags] attribute to combine them:

enum WindowProps{ None=0, 
                  Fixed=1, Sizeable=2, (4), (8), (16), (32, (64), (128)
                  Single=256, ThreeD=512, Dialog=1024, ToolWindow=2048, (4096), (8192), (16384), (32768)
                  PosManual=65536, PosCenter=131072, PosDefault=262144, PosBounds=524288, PosCenterParent=1048576,  (2097152), (4194302), (8388608),
                  ShowTool=16777126, ShowMinimize=33554432, ShowMaximize=67108864, ShowClose=134217728, (268435456), (536870912), (1073741824), (21474483648) };



Notice that each group of enums is broken on the 16-bit boundaries, leaving room for expansion. The numbers in parenthesis are the values available withint each 16-bit block, and shouldn''t be included int your enum unless they''re actually being used.

With the appropriate development of a few helper methods, this would be very easily manageable.

枚举类型不枚举!解决.NET和语言限制 [ ^ ],
人类可读的枚举元数据 [
No. You would simple need to define several enumerations types. For advances (or not so advanced) use of enumerations, please read my articles:
Enumeration Types do not Enumerate! Working around .NET and Language Limitations[^],
Human-readable Enumeration Meta-data[^].