


My app runs an HTTP server which can be connected to a desktop web browser on the same Wifi network. This currently handles individual requests for images etc.


I would like to find a way to transfer multiple images & files over to the browser in one go. The sizes would be too large to construct in iPhone memory before sending over.


I've considered creating a .zip file and streaming files into it one at a time, but unsure how I could go about doing this?


Creating a ZIP file is fairly straightforward. I've only done it myself the other way around (decompression a ZIP file I've downloaded), but the majority of available libraries support both compression and decompression.


You can either use one of the lower-level C libraries, or one of several Objective-C wrappers that various people have written.

我选择的个人包装是ZipKit: https://bitbucket.org/kolpanic/zipkit/Wiki/首页

My personal wrapper of choice is ZipKit: https://bitbucket.org/kolpanic/zipkit/wiki/Home


It is fairly straightforward to use, so it may be a good first port of call for you.