

我正在构建一个node-webkit应用程序,我从网站收到下载特定文件的请求。当我启动Web服务调用时,我会在response.body中找回该文件。我正在尝试使用fs api中的示例将pdf保存到我的本地文件夹,即:

I'm building a node-webkit app where I receive a request from a website to download a particular file. When I initiate the web service call I get back the file in the response.body. I'm trying to use the example in the fs api to save the pdf to my local folder i.e.:


(i'm passing the response.body into the data field, and passing a string 'binary' to specify encoding under options)

var options = { encoding: 'binary' };
console.log('File name:' + fileName);
fileOperations.write(fileName, response.body, options, null);


In fileOperations:

module.exports = {
    write: function (filename, data, options, callback) {
    fs.writeFile(filename, data, options, function (err) {
      if (err) throw err;
      console.log('It\'s saved!');


The file is saved to the local folder with the correct file name and extension, as well as file size. However when opened in preview each page is blank. Am I specifying the wrong encoding type?


This sounds similar to a problem I had. Downloading files (not just pdf) resulted in strange results. This is more likely your issue....not the fs functions. Rather than using the built in node http stuff we chose to use the Request library (npm request) and performed downloads in this fashion:

      method: 'GET',
      uri: baseUrl + '/api/v1/documents/versions/contents/doc33',
      headers: {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": baseUrl, "Cookie": cookie}
    }, function (error, response, body) {

      var contentDisp = response.headers['content-disposition'].split('"');
      var ext = contentDisp[1].split('.')[1];

      // you can rename the downloaded file (temp) and add the proper extension here...

    }).pipe(fs.createWriteStream('temp')); // you can append a directory to the temporary name as well..


I would give this a shot and see if it works for you. Working with files across platforms can be difficult.