包还原失败,无法回滚vs 2017 .net mvc核心项目中"myproject"的包更改


在更新软件包时,软件包还原无法在vs 2017 .net MVC核心项目中回滚我的项目"的软件包更改

package restore failed rolling back package change for ' my project' in vs 2017 .net MVC core project while updating packages

我有同样的问题.创建了一个新的应用程序ASP.Net Core(.Net Framework).并想添加该库,但是遇到了错误.尝试更新相同的问题时.

I have the same problem. Created a new app ASP.Net Core(.Net Framework). And wanted to add the library, but faced the error. When trying to update the same problem.


解决方案很简单.创建项目时,我选择了ASP.NET CORE v1.重建项目ASP.NET CORE v 2后,它可以正常工作.

The solution was simple. When creating the project I chose ASP.NET CORE v 1. After rebuilding the project ASP.NET CORE v 2, it worked.