如何仅将日期时间转换为日期(时间设置为 00:00:00.000)


我有一个字符串 '2009-06-24 09:52:43.000',我需要将其插入到表的 DateTime 列中.

I have a string '2009-06-24 09:52:43.000', which I need to insert to a DateTime column of a table.

但我不在乎时间,只想插入为 2009-06-24 00:00:00.000

But I don't care about the time, just want to insert it as 2009-06-24 00:00:00.000

我如何在 T-SQL 中做到这一点?

How can I do that in T-SQL?

对于 SQL Server 2005 及以下:

For SQL Server 2005 and below:

CONVERT(varchar(8), @ParamDate, 112)    -- Supported way

CAST(FLOOR(CAST(@ParamDate AS float)) AS DATETIME)   -- Unsupported way

对于 SQL Server 2008 及更高版本:

For SQL Server 2008 and above:

CAST(@ParamDate AS DATE)