重新设计后如何拒绝来自 iTunes Connect 的二进制文件 (12/09/2014)?


我需要拒绝我的二进制文件,以便我可以重新上传.这在 iTunes 连接上一直是一个相当隐藏的选项.现在重新设计,我到处找都找不到.

I need to reject my binary so I can re-upload. This was always quite a hidden option on iTunes connect. Now with the re-design, I've looked everywhere and can't find it.

根据 Apple 自己的文档:

According to Apple's own docs:

从审核中删除您的构建 打开应用程序的应用程序详细信息页面,如打开应用的应用详情页面.

To remove your build from review Open the App Details page for the app, as described in To open the App Details page for an app.


On Versions, above the app's metadata, this message appears: "You can only edit all information while your version is waiting for review. To submit a new build, you must remove this version from review." Click "remove this version from review"



However, I do not see this dialog. It's as though it's been replaced by the App Preview Video section..


Am I missing something? How can I reject it, to re-upload?


In my case I am having this link above version Information section, Try to Refresh or Relogin and see,