


Am I just going crazy, or does background-attachment:fixed; really not work in the native Android browser?


I already implemented a simple fix by using two divs instead of one... The first div is positioned absolutely and contains the fixed background image, the other div goes on top of it and contains the scrolling content.

此修复程序(除了不必要的并发症)的问题是,由于某些原因,当我在滚动背景图像DIV的内容,背景图像完全消失了! :(


Has anyone else found a workaround that isn't buggy, or how exactly are we supposed to work with this?


With native browser scrolling you cannot do that. It's a bug in the default Andriod browser. To implement a fixed element at the top or the bottom you have to apply position: fixed on it and then implement a custom scrolling on the other element which contains the content to scroll.

我用这个图书馆这样的问题: http://cubiq.org/iscroll-4

I used this Library for this kind of problems: http://cubiq.org/iscroll-4


You can find examples on its page.