如何在 sbt 中添加对更新阶段的依赖?


我正在编写一个 sbt 任务,它需要在任何编译发生之前做一些工作(例如在 update 阶段).

I am writing an sbt task which needs to do some work before any compilation takes place (e.g. in the update phase).


If I were adding a dependency before the compile for a specific project, I'd do this:

project settings (
  compile <<= (compile in Compile) dependsOn myTask

如果我想在 update 之前这样做,我会这样做

and if I wanted to do this before update I'd do

project settings (
  update <<= (update in Compile) dependsOn myTask

但是我如何在 after update 但在任何 compile 之前执行此操作?

but how do I do this for after update but before any compile?


(update in Compile) := {
  ((update in Compile) andFinally {