创建音频终端设备 - 的Windows Phone 8


我试图创建一个通过耳机音频插孔将数据发送到Windows Phone的硬件设备。

I am attempting to create a hardware device that sends data to the windows phone via headphone audio jack.

我已经研究这个,发现的 Core.Audio在MSDN网站API >提供我所需要的,但是我不认为/不能在的 Windows Phone的API的

I have researched this and found that the Core.Audio api on the msdn site offers what I need however I don't think / cant find this in the windows phone API's



Obviously someone has access to this because I have seen some companies use it for credit card processors.

你需要做到这一点的音频API没有包括在标准的Windows Phone 8 SDK。

The audio APIs you'd need to do this are not included in the standard Windows Phone 8 SDK.


Other apps that are using functionality like this must be using other 3rdy party libraries or have [re]written the functionality themselves.