

我也想使用composer来管理我的前端依赖项.不幸的是,使用"bower-asset/bootstrap":"dev-master" "twbs/bootstrap":"dev-master" 会带来80 MB以上的代码,而我只需要整个引导文件夹中的/dist/.

I'd like to use composer for managing my front-end dependencies as well. Unfortunately, using "bower-asset/bootstrap": "dev-master" or "twbs/bootstrap": "dev-master" brings more than 80 MB of code, while I need only /dist/ from the whole bootstrap folder.


Is it possible to add only /dist/ of bootstrap to my application using dependency manager?


You can ignore files with the composer fxp-asset plugin.

例如,如果只需要bootstrap的 dist 文件夹,则将这些行添加到composer.json中:

For instance, if want only the dist folder of bootstrap, add these lines in your composer.json :

 "config": {
    "process-timeout": 1800,
        "ignore-files": {
            "bower-asset/bootstrap": [