firebase CLI将无法识别"firebase init"的当前目录


我正在关注有关Ionic Angular的教程,并且到了讲师要我将代码发布到Firebase Hosting的地步.首先,我使用NPM安装Firebase CLI.然后指示我使用firebase init命令.问题是CLI似乎无法识别在我的终端中选择的当前目录.

I am following a tutorial on Ionic Angular and it has come to the point where the instructor is having me publish my code to Firebase Hosting. First I used NPM to install the Firebase CLI. Then I was instructed to use the firebase init command. The issue is that the CLI doesn't seem to recognize the current directory that is selected in my terminal.

我运行:cd /Users/MyUserName/myProjectsFolder/myProject/ 然后我运行firebase init,它显示:

I run: cd /Users/MyUserName/myProjectsFolder/myProject/ Then I run firebase init and it displays:


You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory:





You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory:




A little bit of googling found this page:


要初始化新的项目目录,请将终端中的目录更改为所需的项目目录,然后运行:firebase init

To initialize a new project directory, change directories in the terminal to your desired project directory and run: firebase init


Based on this I would expect the steps I took to work.


I am confused. Has anyone ever run into this behavior? Can anyone think of a way to get the CLI to function as expected?


  1. 转到文件夹:

  1. Got to folder:




Search for a file with name of firebase.json and Delete it.

使用此命令重新安装firebase工具(--unsafeper-以避免 权限错误消息&使用sudo):

Reinstall firebase tool with this command (--unsafeper- to avoid permissions error messages & use sudo):

$ sudo npm install --unsafeper- -g firebase-tools

$ sudo npm install --unsafeper- -g firebase-tools

然后,转到您的pubilc文件夹(必须创建一个),该文件夹 包含您的HTML,JS,图像和CSS文件,并使用以下命令:

Then, go to your pubilc folder (you have to create one) which contains your HTML, JS, images and CSS files and use this command:

$ sudo firebase初始化

$ sudo firebase init

$ sudo firebase deploy

$ sudo firebase deploy

重置很容易,如firebase中所述 docs:

The reset is easy and as mentioned in the firebase docs: