

我已经看到带有Cloud Functions的增量计数器,它引用了实时数据库,但还没有引用Firebase Firestore.

I have seen an increment counter with Cloud Functions referencing Realtime Database, but not Firebase Firestore yet.


I have a cloud function that listens for new documents:

exports.addToChainCount = functions.firestore
    .onCreate((snap, context) => {

    // Initialize document
    var chainCounterRef = db.collection('counters').doc('chains');

    var transaction = db.runTransaction(t => {
        return t.get(chainCounterRef).then(doc => {
            // Add to the chain count
            var newCount = doc.data().count + 1;
            t.update(chainCounterRef, { count: newCount });
    }).then(result => {
        console.log('Transaction success!');
    }).catch(err => {
        console.log('Transaction failure:', err);
    return true;

我正在尝试上述交易,但是当我在终端中运行firebase deploy时,出现此错误:

I'm attempting the above transaction, but when I run firebase deploy in terminal I get this error:

错误每个then()应该返回一个值或抛出Promise/always-return 函数预部署错误:命令以非零退出码1终止

error Each then() should return a value or throw promise/always-return functions predeploy error: Command terminated with non-zero exit code1


This is my first attempt at anything node.js, and I'm not sure I've written this right.


There is now a much simpler way to increment/decrement a field in a document: FieldValue.increment(). Your sample would be something like this:

var chainCounterRef = db.collection('counters').doc('chains');
chainCounterRef.update({ count: FieldValue.increment(1) });
