

我想使用Javascript检测地址栏的ENTER键,以及转到(转到指定的URL)"按钮.按照我以前的尝试,使用"keycode == 13"无法按要求工作.在下面的代码中说:

I want to detect the ENTER keypress of the Address Bar and also, the "Go(to the specified URL)" button using Javascript. As per my previous efforts using "keycode==13" did not work as required. say, in the following code:

window.onkeypress = testKeyEvent;

function testKeyEvent(e) {
    if (e.keyCode == 13) //We are using Enter key press event for test purpose.
        alert('Enter key pressed');
    else //If any other button pressed.
        alert('Not Enter key pressed');
}    </script>


I want first the Alert box to be displayed,after I have typed any URL(valid or not) in the address box and Pressed ENTER/ Clicked GO button and then go to specified URL.


Is it Possible? I know I am missing out on a lot of things, Please mention about them.


If I am interpreting your question correctly, I don't think you can do this, because the context in which the JavaScript runs stops at the Document (meaning, JavaScript doesn't even quite know that the browser itself exists).