


I want to add a contact (just the name and phone number) programatically in Swift. I've found some Objective-C examples but I didn't get them to work, not even in Objective-C. I don't want this to involve AddressBookUI, because I want to get the values from my own UI.

这是在Swift中添加联系人的快速方法.我在iPhone 5 iOS 7.1上对其进行了验证,因为我发现模拟器并不总是与手机上的AB东西匹配相同的结果.

Here's a quick method to add a contact in Swift. I verified it on my iPhone 5 iOS 7.1 as I've found the simulator doesn't always match the same results as my phone does for AB stuff.


You can add a button and point to this method:

@IBAction func createContact(sender: AnyObject) {
    var newContact:ABRecordRef! = ABPersonCreate().takeRetainedValue()
    var success:Bool = false
    var newFirstName:NSString = "AA"
    var newLastName = "a"

//Updated to work in Xcode 6.1
        var error: Unmanaged<CFErrorRef>? = nil
//Updated to error to &error so the code builds in Xcode 6.1
    success = ABRecordSetValue(newContact, kABPersonFirstNameProperty, newFirstName, &error)
    println("setting first name was successful? \(success)")
    success = ABRecordSetValue(newContact, kABPersonLastNameProperty, newLastName, &error)
    println("setting last name was successful? \(success)")
    success = ABAddressBookAddRecord(adbk, newContact, &error)
    println("Adbk addRecord successful? \(success)")
    success = ABAddressBookSave(adbk, &error)
    println("Adbk Save successful? \(success)")



btw-it assumes you've already got an addressbook var assigned, which you can on opening the view by overriding viewDidAppear. It does the security prompt as well:

override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
    if !self.authDone {
        self.authDone = true
        let stat = ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus()
        switch stat {
        case .Denied, .Restricted:
            println("no access")
        case .Authorized, .NotDetermined:
            var err : Unmanaged<CFError>? = nil
            var adbk : ABAddressBook? = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(nil, &err).takeRetainedValue()
            if adbk == nil {
            ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(adbk) {
                (granted:Bool, err:CFError!) in
                if granted {
                    self.adbk = adbk
                } else {