如何在 Visual Studio 2015 中更改大括号/圆括号颜色


Visual Studio 2015 中的深色主题几乎不可能看到大括号/圆括号.有没有人知道如何使用字体和颜色选项解决这个问题?我在旧版本的 Visual Studio 中看到的以前的解决方案不起作用.

The dark theme in Visual Studio 2015 makes it nearly impossible to see braces/parenthesis. Is anyone aware of how to fix this using the Fonts and Colors options? The previous solutions I've seen for older versions of visual studio do not work.


I had the same thing, but all my semicolons were black, too. Here's where I fixed it:

工具 > 选项 > 环境 > 字体和颜色 > 标点符号

Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > Punctuation