


I have a scripting language implemented in WPF that allows a user to script multiple concurrent actions. These actions are implemented using async/await and all of them run on the main thread.


I'm now introducing a step debugger into this script language. Currently, there is one window associated with the script engine and a different window for the step debugger.

我正试图在执行脚本操作之前在引擎窗口中完成停止进程,同时又不阻止调试器窗口上的交互性. MessageBox.Show()为此非常有用,特别是因为它会暂停动画,动画本身可能会在完成时开始新的动作.

I'm trying to accomplish stopping processes in the engine window just before a scripted action executes while not blocking interactivity on the debugger window. MessageBox.Show() works great for this especially because it pauses animations which may themselves start new actions on completion.


Thread.Sleep() of course doesn't work at all because everyone is on the main thread.


Is there a pausing mechanism in C# similar to MessageBox.Show() but with no UI? I've tried calling Dispatcher.DisableProcessing() which I could have sworn worked to pause the engine window, but now I get the error:


'Dispatcher processing has been suspended, but messages are still being processed'


I think ideally I'd like to do something like this:

//Engine Window
private debugger;
void RunAction(ScriptAction action){
  var pauserObject = PauseProcessesOnThisWindow();
  debugger.break(action, pauseObject);

//Debugger Window

void Continue_Click(){


If I have to go with the MessageBox approach, I can see that closing it from the other window can be tricky, not to mention that it's an awkward UI to have some control in the debugger window but still require the user to close the box from the engine window.


Personally, I avoid nested message loops. They're considerably dangerous due to reentrancy.

我建议为您的脚本窗口使用专用线程(请参见多个Windows,多个线程" ).与WinForms相比,在WPF上在单独的线程中运行单独的窗口要容易得多.

I would recommend using a dedicated thread for your script window (see "Multiple Windows, Multiple Threads" in the WPF Threading Model documentation). Running a separate window in a separate thread is much easier on WPF than it ever was with WinForms.


If you do want a nested message loop, though, you can create one using PushFrame.