

ID用户名. ..... . ..


在公式字段中,我输入了代码COUNT({USERSTABLE.USERNAME})来计算内部用户的数量.但是,结果始终是2.无论我更改为按用户ID还是用户名计数仍为2.我认为它被卡在2了,因为我之前在用户数据库中删除了ID 3-10.我如何才能使其继续计算忽略删除的3-10个用户ID的用户名数量?在此先谢谢您.

Hi all, i currently have a crystal report in my project and creating a formula field which counts the total number of users and display on te rerport. However, i''ve deleted some data in the user table in the db before and created new ones, so the data of the user tables looks currently like:

ID UserName . .. .. . . ..

1 user1
2 user2
11 user3

In my formula field, i put the code COUNT({USERSTABLE.USERNAME}) to count the number of users inside. Hoever, the result is always 2. whether i change to count by userid or username is still 2. I think it gets stucked at 2 because i''ve deleted id 3-10 before in my user db. How can i make it such that it continues counting the number of usernames ignoring the deleted 3-10 userid? Thanks in advance.

Please verify report against your database and delete temp files of crystal reports.