jQuery Mobile的淘汰赛和提交表单绑定



I stumbled on an apparent incompatibility between knockoutjs and jquery mobile when it comes to form submit behavior.


<form data-bind="submit: myKoSubmitAction">
   <!-- form fields here -->

的意图是,淘汰赛prevents服务器后/获取,而是调用myKoSubmitAction。 JQM也将prevent标准仅适用于JQM的原因提出的行为是表单提交由一个Ajax请求更换。

The intention is that knockout prevents server post/get and instead calls myKoSubmitAction. jqm will also prevent standard submit behavior only for jqm the reason is that the form submit is replaced by an ajax request.

所以,当敲除(presumably)成功在preventing标准服务器的请求时,它未能prevent JQM发送Ajax请求。

So while knockout (presumably) succeeds at preventing the standard server request, it fails to prevent jqm from sending an ajax request.


I found the answer to this problem in a google group and thought it should be on SO as well. See below


The best solution I have been able to find is the following custom ko binding:

//This binding fixes apparent incompatibility between knockout and jqm
ko.bindingHandlers.jqmsubmit = {
  init: function (el, accessor, allbindings, vm) {
    ko.bindingHandlers.submit.init(el, accessor, allbindings, vm);
    $(el).submit(function (e) {
        // prevent the submit behavior
        return false;


To be used in the place of the standard submit ko binding:

<form data-bind="jqmsubmit: myKoSubmitAction">
  <!-- form fields here -->