使用API​​ 3.0实现Mailchimp Double-Opt-In


我正在寻找一种舒适的方式,以通过mailchimp API 3.0实现双重选择加入.似乎2.0版中有一个选项,该选项告诉mailchimp一旦通过API调用添加了新成员,便会自动发送选择接收确认电子邮件.

I´m looking for a comfortable way to realize double opt-in via mailchimp API 3.0. It looks like there was an option in version 2.0 which told mailchimp to send an opt-in confirmation email automatically as soon as a new member is added via API call.

似乎此参数在API 3.0中不再可用. 有没有人知道如何使用新版本的API ?

It seems this parameter is not available any more in API 3.0. Has anyone an idea how to realize it with the new version of the API?

使用 Double选择加入,在填写您的注册表单后,他们的API状态将为pending,直到他们确认订阅为止.

When using Double Opt In on a list, people who have filled out your signup form will have an API status of pending until they confirm their subscription.

为了模仿API v3.0中的功能,请在POST调用中将用户的状态设置为pending而不是subscribed.有关更多详细信息,请参见如何管理订户.

In order to mimic that functionality in API v3.0, set the user's status to pending instead of subscribed in your POST call. See How to Manage Subscribers for more details.