如何轻松上传文件,而无需提交表单(使用jQuery + AJAX)


所以我有某种形式的处理code的处理标准文本输入,并上传的文件(通过$ _FILES数组)

So I have some form processing code which processes the standard text inputs and also uploaded files (through the $_FILES array)


I want to have the submission done through AJAX

请问jQuery的岗位()。方法还通过这些东西通过 - > $ _FILES或做我需要做一些特别的东西。

Will jQuery's post(). method still pass that stuff through -> $_FILES or do I need to do something special?


Ajax (as defined, using JavaScript) cannot perform file uploads, as JavaScript cannot access the local filesystem. There are workarounds that seem to use Ajax, such as an iframe or using Flash.


Hunt around Google, you'll find something. There are more libraries (YUI for example) that are putting this together.