


const carts = [
    name: 'Voucher A',
    participants: [
        date: 112
        date: 112
    supplierName: 'ABC',
    ticketDescription: 'Description of',
    name: 'Voucher B',
    participants: [
        date: 111
        date: 112
    supplierName: 'ABC',
    ticketDescription: 'Description of',


And I want to group it based on the date (if it has same date). So for data above, the expected result will be

expected = [
    name: 'Voucher A',
    date: 1,
    count: 1,
    supplierName: 'ABC',
    ticketDescription: 'Description of',
    name: 'Voucher A',
    date: 2,
    count: 1,
    supplierName: 'ABC',
    ticketDescription: 'Description of',


Because it has different date. But if it has same date, the expected result will be

expected = [
    name: 'Voucher A',
    date: 1,
    count: 2,
    supplierName: 'ABC',
    ticketDescription: 'Description of',


I was trying to use reduce to group it but it did not give the structure I want

carts.forEach(cart => {
  cart.participants.reduce((acc, obj) => {
    acc[obj.date] = [...acc[obj.date] || [], obj]
    return acc
  }, {})


To organize the data, I think you need two associations to group by: the name and the dates and their counts for that name:

const carts = [
    name: 'Voucher A',
    participants: [
        date: 1
        date: 2

const groupedByNames = {};
for (const { name, participants } of carts) {
  if (!groupedByNames[name]) groupedByNames[name] = {};
  for (const { date } of participants) {
    groupedByNames[name][date] = (groupedByNames[name][date] || 0) + 1;
const output = Object.entries(groupedByNames).flatMap(
  ([name, dateCounts]) => Object.entries(dateCounts).map(
    ([date, count]) => ({ name, date: Number(date), count })